Buffalo's Denture Experts
Are your teeth like the stars; do they come out at night? If you have dentures, or need dentures, Brighton Family Dental’s denture services are comprehensive. Some people have old dentures that require a lot of maintenance and care-taking. For those patients, we offer education and maintenance programs to keep your dentures functioning the way they were intended to function –like teeth. We can keep you chewing and smiling no matter what dentures you might have.
For those not happy with their dentures, we can refurbish old “hardware” so that the fit and the utility of your dentures improves drastically. We have a staff of professionals that are experts in assessing your needs and desires in accordance with the functionality of your teeth. A better fitting denture will give more comfort and better stability which adds up to more effective teeth.
Should your dentures become cracked or worn out, we also specialize in rehabilitating them to the point that they are as if they were new. Schedule a visit and we can fix your denture problem in a timely fashion so that your life is minimally impacted. At Brighton Family Dental, we know that your teeth are important; they offer both your charisma, and your way of eating. Come see us today so that we can start making your life better. Call us at (716) 836-4590 to schedule an appointment. We are conveniently located near the 290 highway near the Colvin exit.